Want some reasons why you should consider hiring a personal trainer? Having a personal coach is more affordable than it’s ever been, thanks to the fierce competition in the fitness world, but it’s still quite expensive. At least when compared to a regular, commercial gym membership.
In this post, we will give you three reasons to hire a personal trainer, that will help you decide what’s best for you. Read on!
Reason #1 For Hiring A Personal Trainer: You Will Learn Proper Technique
While it’s true that there are countless YouTube videos and articles on the internet you can consume for free, some written by the world’s greatest coaches, that’s not optimal.
Performing a deadlift at the gym is an entirely different story from reading about it on T-Nation. Even if it is a step-by-step guide, it is still a “one size fits all solution.”
Having an experienced personal trainer at your side as you do the lift is the only way to learn proper execution. And performing the moves with perfect form is the only absolute way to minimize the injury risk.
What’s more, once you learn the technique, you know if forever, just like riding a bicycle.
So even if you don’t have the money to exercise with a PT for life, go ahead, and sign up for a month or two. It will be more than enough to learn the essentials, that will stay with you forever. You can later upgrade that information online, but it is a different story when you have the right foundation.
Reason #2 For Hiring A Personal Trainer: PT Tracks The Progress For You
In fitness, doing things is just one part of the equation; keeping track of what’s done is almost as essential. If you don’t track things—your nutrition, exercises, even rest—the progress is either missing, or it’s random.
Your personal trainer will create a workout schedule for you, but also a nutrition plan you can stick to, based on your needs. Again, a customized, not a one size fits all solution.
What’s more, a good PT keeps your exercise log, making sure you push yourself optimally every workout. We highlight optimal—not too easy, and not too hard.
Only by tracking your progress consistently you will reach your goals. Not by doing things right sporadically, consistency is what matters.
Reason #3 For Hiring A Personal Trainer: You Will Make It Official
When you invest in your fitness/health by hiring a personal trainer, you will not only have one more person in your life caring about your health, but you will also make it “official.” What does it mean?
While it’s easy to skip a workout at a commercial gym, because it’s so cheap, skipping one with your PT is much more painful, simply because your membership costs more. You have worked hard for your money, and wasting a considerable amount on workout sessions you visit is not pleasant. It will become more like a bill, a mandatory thing you don’t want to skip doing. But a much more enjoyable though, with apparent results!
What’s more, your personal trainer will become your accountability partner, reminding you about your workouts, and making sure you stick to the plan. Although there are several more reasons, those are our top three reasons to hire a personal trainer.
If you can afford it, hiring a personal trainer is the best thing you can do for your health. If you live in West Palm Beach, or nearby, check out our facility, FitAndPsyched.
We will create a custom made plan for your needs, track your progress, and make sure you stick to the plan. We have a dedicated team of experts that are ready and willing to help you reach your fitness goals.