Three Variations of The Squat To Build Perfect Legs


Squats are the best exercise for building your lower body, period. They will help you build muscles like no other movement and make you stronger at the same time. This multi-joint movement works all of the muscles in your legs, but puts the most emphasis on the quads and glutes. However, squats also work your core and lower back as they stabilize you throughout the movement. In this article, we will give you three variations of the squat to build perfect legs.

#1 Barbell Front Squat

Barbell front squat is one of those exercises that is often overlooked and yet so important. The fact that you are holding the barbell in front of your chest makes a world of difference. To prevent it from falling, you will have to keep your chest up, which will practice your posture like nothing else. That’s why the front squat is one of the best corrective exercises you will ever do.

Also, having the bar in front of you means you will stay more upright, which means more quad activation. You will also be able to go deeper into the squat.

The front squat is one of the best mobility and flexibility tests. It will exactly pinpoint where you lack. Wrists, elbows, shoulders, spine, hips, ankles, all of these need to be in good shape if you want to do a front squat with proper form. So start light, it’s about the technique, not the weight.

#2 Zercher squat

The Zercher squat is pretty hardcore, after all, you are holding a loaded barbell with your bent elbows, so make sure you wear long sleeves. This unique position promotes the upright posture, as the bar will pull your body forward through the whole movement. It also helps you practice proper squat movement as it allows you to go deep, which also promotes flexibility. Because the barbell is up front, and not over your back, it is much more spine-friendly. Not to mention that it fries your core and stabilizer muscles. Just make sure to use it with caution, at least until you perfect the technique.

#3 Box squat

The box squat is a variation in which you basically sit on a box/bench at the bottom of the squat, pause, and then push yourself back up. This will make you practice the concentric part of the movement, as it completely eliminates momentum. Therefore, you will have to push extra hard in order to get back up.

It turns out that this is also the hardest part of the squat when you try to get back out of the hole. So the box squat makes the hardest part even harder, which will translate well in regular back squats.

This variation is phenomenal for posterior chain development, as it requires a lot out of your glutes and hamstrings. These muscles are often neglected in most squat variations, at least when compared to quadriceps.


At Fit and Psyched we use all of these squats to build perfect legs, as well as other variations of this great movement. If you are from West Palm Beach, visit us and see for yourself why we are the best in the business when it comes to working with a personal trainer. We will design your workouts and guide you through every step of your fitness journey!