The Best Way To Better Abs

So you’ve decided it’s time to tone your body. Well look no further, because we’ve got six quick and effective ways to better abs for you right here in this writeup. For starters, getting a six-pack is no easy feat to accomplish. It requires hard work, dedication and a strong will at that. You can accomplish this feat by changing your diet to healthier foods. There are certain types of food that enhance fat burning, boost your metabolism and help keep you full between meals. But when you transition to a healthy diet plan, it means that you must restrict foods that increase your risk of weight gain and excess body fat. 

Foods to Eat

For great-looking abs, we recommend consuming whole grains such as buckwheat, barley, oats, and quinoa. These whole grains aren’t just high in fiber, they can also enhance digestion, weight loss, as well as blood sugar levels. These items are a good source of minerals, antioxidants, and vitamins. Some studies reveal that consuming whole grains can influence your body’s energy use and reduce your appetite. Both of these phenomena can affect your body’s overall composition. One study, in particular, found that substituting refined wheat bread with whole grain wheat bread can lead to significant belly fat reductions.

Fruits and Vegetables

Vegetables and fruits are chock full of nutrients. In other words, they are low in calories and high in fiber, antioxidants, and a barrage of minerals and vitamins. They are also pivotal elements of fat burning and weight loss, making them incredibly suitable for building abs. A review of 10 studies found that eating at least 4 daily servings of vegetables results in reduced waist circumference and a reduced risk of weight gain in women. In another study, eating more fruits and vegetables was associated with less overall body fat and lower body weight. Also, increasing your intake of fruits is linked to less belly fat. 

Fatty Fish

Fatty fish such as mackerel, salmon, sardines and tuna are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids that are essential not just for weight control, but also inflammation, brain function, and heart health. (Source) Apart from dropping belly fat, eating fish also helps reduce risk factors for heart disease, including high triglyceride levels. One study found that people who eat fatty fish have less belly fat and lower triglyceride levels. Likewise, women found that eating lean fish is linked with lower waist circumference and triglyceride levels. What’s more, fish can also encourage abdominal toning as its high in protein.

Nuts And Seeds

Both seeds and nuts are ideal for building abs as they offer the ideal balance of healthy fats, proteins, and fiber. One study finds that eating 1.5 ounces (43 grams) of almonds a day leads to a significant reduction in belly fat. Another study revealed that eating 1.2 ounces (35 grams) of chia flour per day for over 12 weeks reduces waist circumference and body weight. 
Now that we’ve covered the crucial food items for ab-building, let’s look over the types of exercises that further assist with the process:

Hiit Training

This type of exercise boosts fat-burning and helps boost your heart rate. Including this tactic into your exercise plan can aid in weight loss and increase the process of getting 6-pack abs. One study reveals that anyone who performed HIIT three times a week, for about 20 minutes, loses about 4.4 pounds on average and witnessed a 17% reduction in belly fat after 12 weeks. Another study found that those who did this exercise twice a week for over a 16-week period witnessed an 8% reduction in belly fat. When at home, you can alternate between sprinting and walking between 20–30 seconds.

Abdominal Training

Exercising your abdominal muscles is crucial for increasing muscle mass and achieving six-pack abs. However, you should know that even the best ab exercises aren’t enough to reduce belly fat. An example of this is shown in a study where doing abdominal exercises for five days a week had no effect on the belly fat of over 24 women. Therefore, you should pair your best ab exercises with regular cardio and a healthy diet to boost fat burning and maximize results. Some other popular abdominal exercises that you can use to get your six-pack appearance Include abdominal bridges, crunches, and planks. If you are in the West Palm Beach area and interested in getting in shape and improving your overall well-being please contact us today.