Following a Plant Based Diet Through The Holidays

The holidays are a time for family, celebration, and new memories! But, for some, it can also be a time of stress, overindulgence, and weight gain. It’s been shown that, on average, people gain 5 – 10lbs over the holiday season! So, if you’d like to enter 2020 without feeling the need to make a whole resolution around undoing the “damage” done during this festive time , following a plant-based diet through the holidays is a great option! 

Now, a lot of people get scared when they hear the term plant-based. “Of course it’s healthy, but does it mean I’ll have to switch to tofu instead of turkey for Thanksgiving?” Don’t worry. We aren’t going to make you go “cold turkey” on animal products right before the holidays. One of the biggest misconceptions of a Plant-Based Lifestyle is that you HAVE to give up all animal products. Plant-Based just means that the majority of your nutrients are coming from whole foods and plants! This means less processed foods and more veggies, fruits, legumes, nuts, and seeds! 

The best part? YOU choose how strict you want to be. You can choose to transition to a completely vegan diet (no animal products at all) or just choose to have larger portions of plant-based items at each meal and reduce the amount of animal products you consume. 

But how can you incorporate this new lifestyle into the holidays and start the New Year feeling happier and healthier? Easy! Here are a few tips to help you thrive on a plant-based diet while still enjoying this season’s upcoming festivities! 

1. Eat Breakfast! A lot of us skip Breakfast and Lunch on the Holidays to “prepare” for the big meal ahead. But by doing that, we are leaving ourselves open to eating more than we intend to! Starting your day with a nutrient-packed breakfast, like a hearty oatmeal with fruit and nuts, will kickstart your metabolism, allow your body to burn more calories throughout the day, and will ensure you won’t be starving by the time the dinner bell rings! You’ll be able to make smarter choices instead of thinking with your stomach. 

2. Start With Your Greens! If your family is like mine and serves holiday meals like an all-out buffet, go for all the fresh veggie dishes first. Because vegetables are nutrient-dense and high in fiber, they will actually help you to feel full faster. This will help you to consume fewer calories overall! So, stock your plate with whole foods and veggies FIRST and then, if you’re more of a flexitarian go for a small helping of the Turkey and Homemade Cranberry Stuffing. 

3. Eat The Rainbow! I LOVE this tip because you can even get the kids in the family in on this one! Make it a fun game to see who can get the most natural, bright colors onto their plate. The color of your food can tell you a lot about what kind of nutrients are inside! By adorning your plate with a variety of colors, you’re not only giving yourself a meal that is visually appealing, but you’re also treating yourself to a diverse selection of vitamins and minerals! And who knows, maybe you’ll even try something you’ve never had before and find your new favorite, healthy food! Need some ideas on which foods to go for? Check out Plant-Based Dietician’s Rainbow Nutrients Chart!

4. Get Creative and Bring a Dish! Find one of your favorite traditional recipes and put a plant-based spin on it! Then bring it for your whole family to try. Not only will it make you feel good to see them enjoy something you made, but it will also show them that plant-based food can be delicious and might even spark some healthy changes in their household! (There are so many online resources to find plant-based recipes! You’ll have no problem finding something that your whole family will enjoy.)

5. Plan ahead! Don’t be afraid to think about your meal before it starts. Think about how you can incorporate more vegetables and plant-based selections onto your plate! Maybe you’ll decide to start with a salad and then move on to more calorie-dense items. If there are some holiday dishes that you just can’t live without, but you know they aren’t the best for you… don’t make yourself miserable and tell yourself you can’t have any! Plan to have just one serving, along with your other healthy choices, and ENJOY IT! 

Whether you decide to go completely Plant-Based or just want some basic advice for eating healthier through the holidays, these tips will allow you to transition into the beautiful New Year with energy, positivity, and a new outlook on nutrition!

Also Read: Vegetarian vs Vegan Diet