Four Exercises For Shapely Glutes!


In this article we will give you four excellent booty exercises that will strengthen and shape your booty. The glutes are the biggest muscle in the body and even men should train them, but we all know that the ladies pay more attention to this muscle group. Do these four moves alongside your standard deadlifts, hip thrusts, squats as well as leg raises and you will soon have a shapely booty, beach ready!

Bulgarian Split Squats

Anything that has “Bulgarian” or “Romanian” in its name is hardcore, you can count on that. These nations are famous for their weightlifters but also for their innovative style of training.

If your goal is to have phenomenal looking legs and a shapely booty, Bulgarian split squats should be a part of your workout routine. The fact that you keep the back leg elevated on a bench will make this exercise super difficult. Besides glutes it hits quads, hams and hip flexors, making it a great compound movement.

It looks awkward but it is not that hard to master, and if you do it with dumbbells it is completely safe. Also, the fact that you work one leg at a time will fix any imbalances you have developed if you only focused on barbell squats and deadlifts.

Step Up To Shapely Glutes

Step-ups are a terrific way to build glutes and hams but you don’t see people doing them that often. It is a very simple exercise, you just put a few steppers on top of each other and step with one leg up. At the top of the position, lift the other leg that is not in the contact with the floor, flexing your hip and your knee. Return to the previous position and switch legs. Remember the higher the step is, the harder it is to perform the movement. But don’t go too high, especially if you’re using weights.

Single Leg Straight Leg Deadlifts

Deadlifts are great but doing them with dumbbells, single-leg style is an excellent way to correct any imbalances. This exercise targets your glutes and hamstrings simultaneously. These muscle groups are meant to work together, making the movement very natural. Just make sure to squeeze the glute to maximize stability and also muscle activation. An excellent exercise for promoting balance and coordination too.

Kettlebell Swings

Kettlebell swings are a favorite among CrossFit athletes. This move targets your whole posterior chain, glutes included. But because it is very explosive, it will target fast twitch muscles, which translate very well into other sports activities. Kettlebell swings also burn an enormous amount of calories and are a true hybrid of cardio and muscle building.


Our goal at Fit and Psyched located in West Palm Beach, is to get you fit through one on one or small group personal training. With our custom training programs you will get those shapely glutes you’ve always wanted, but also get healthy and feel better than ever before, so visit us today.