Many people struggle with getting rid of extra fat around the midsection. Stress, too many cheat meals, and skipping out on regular exercise all plays a part in belly flab. Aesthetics aside, carrying extra weight in the abdomen can set you up for a variety of health issues, such as heart disease and type 2 Diabetes. Luckily, there are simple changes you can make to get rid of belly fat and reduce your chances for these diseases.
Simply moving more and spending less time being sedentary is key. Exercise such as running, biking, or even walking all helps burn belly fat fairly easily.
Eat more protein! According to a recent article from Prevention, eating more protein prevents you from becoming insulin resistant (insulin is a hormone that promotes fat storage in the abdomen). Eating healthy fats such as fish and nuts also helps in fat loss.
For more information on fat loss and becoming more fit, Dave and Amy Melnicoff at Fit and Psyched private personal training center have many years of experience. They specialize in helping clients lose body fat, gain lean muscle and teach how to make healthy food choices to fit each individual’s goals and needs. If you’re considering hiring a personal trainer, check out the testimonials, progress pictures, and history on our website. Feel free to fill out a consultation form while you’re there, and we will respond to you promptly!