Looking For A Personal Trainer In West Palm Beach

So you’re looking for a personal trainer in West Palm Beach? Here are a few tips that are important when looking for personal training. If you know somebody that has been working with a trainer and has gotten good results, ask them if you can set up a consultation with their trainer. The consultation should be free and it’s a good way to get a feel of the environment at their facility. Is it clean? Are the trainers professional? Is the gym full of obnoxious bodybuilders? These are just a few questions that will be answered in a face-to-face meeting with a potential trainer.

Do your research online. With Google, Yelp, Facebook and Instagram there are plenty of ways to get reviews on nearly everything these days. For instance, don’t be shy to contact someone that left a review on Facebook regarding a prospective trainer. After all, it is social networking so take advantage of it. Do they have a five star rating on Google but only a few reviews? That does not necessarily mean they are a bad trainer, but do yourself a favor and dig a little deeper.

Here at Fit and Psyched we encourage people to research us, whether it’s reading the testimonials on our website, our numerous reviews on Googleand Facebook or even setting up an appointment to come by and see how our trainers work with our clients firsthand.

So there you have a few tips if you are looking for a personal trainer in West Palm Beach. Here at Fit and Psyched located at 1177 Clare Ave., Unit 2, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 we have both male and female trainers with decades of experience. Our trainers are professional and sensitive to the needs of every individual that walks through our doors. Although we have a background in the sport of bodybuilding we are NOT a bodybuilding gym. Our gym caters to people of all ages and fitness levels, whether you’re looking to lose some weight or gain some muscle Fit and Psyched is ready to lead you on your journey. Please call 561-223-1112 to set up your free consultation today!