Is Protein Bad For Our Health?


recent study has created a lot of turmoil in the fitness community as it suggests that too much protein is bad for our health. That’s what this article is going to talk about, from a non-physician and non-scientific perspective, but using common sense.

Protein Is Essential For Health And Muscle Building

So let’s get one thing out of the way, you shouldn’t cut out proteins completely. They are one of the three macronutrients beside fats and carbs, and a central component of muscle building also known as muscle protein synthesis.

So you need protein in your daily nutrition and you also need it if your goal is to build muscle. To do that you not only have to start exercising, but also up your caloric intake and with it the amount of protein you consume.

The Amount Of Protein Is What Is Problematic

Bodybuilders have one holy grail supplement and that is whey protein isolate. They chug it down bucket after bucket and recommend 1.5+ grams of protein per pound of body weight, per day. Should you listen? Probably not.

While it is true that protein rarely ends up stored as fat and is more likely to be used for building muscle, unless you are going to compete there is no reason to consume so much whey protein.

First off, the supplement industry often goes under the radar, unregulated, and protein powders of shady manufacturers may contain toxins. Also, consuming that much protein each day is pricey and adds up quickly. In most cases, for the everyday person there is absolutely no reason to supplement.

It’s the same as with other supplements; if your diet lacks certain nutrients, macro or micro, you can consider supplementing those. But supplementation is only that and shouldn’t be a staple of your diet.

Trust Nature

Nature doesn’t have hydro-isolates in fancy neon jugs. It has eggs, fish, chicken breast, peanuts and so much more, so don’t be lazy!

And yes, it’s all about that laziness. It’s much easier to just pour a couple scoops of powder in some water than it is to meal prep for the whole week. Taking shortcuts has never been a healthy or effective way and it never will be

Here at Fit and Psyched, located in West Palm Beach, client health is our number one priority. Each new client is individually assessed and receives a workout and diet plan designed specifically for them. The progress is monitored and adjustments are made accordingly, which ensures long term and long lasting results. Our testimonials page is filled with happy client reviews, so if you want to change your life for the better, feel free to contact us now!