Keeping Yourself Motivated to Keep with Your Workouts

Let’s be honest – it is hard to keep motivated with your workouts. You really know all the benefits of it, but, well, maybe today I can skip. So here are 4 ways to keep yourself motivated: set goals, visualize, group training and/or personal trainer.

Set goals

Don’t just set goals, set SMART goals and be sure to have short- and long-term goals. What’s a SMART goal?

S – Specific: Instead of saying I will “work out more often” try stating what you will be doing.

M – Measurable: How often will you work out? For how long?

A – Achievable: This aspect is often something that does people in when they are really motivated in the beginning and ready to conquer the world. Ask yourself, what is realistic? Losing 80 lbs in a month? Not really. If you pick unachievable / unrealistic goals then the goal becomes the opposite of motivational.

R – Results focused: This piece really pulls it together – what is to be accomplished or what do you hope to be the outcome? Fit into those jeans you haven’t been able to get into in the last year? Be ready to compete in a bodybuilding competition?

T – Time-bound: When will this be accomplished?

Have SMART goals for short-term and long-term goals.

And don’t forget to track your progress. If you’re the kind of person who makes lists, be sure to map out your work out weeks on a calendar or list and check off each work out as well as results.


Being able to SEE, even if in your imagination, where you want to be has a powerful affect on getting you there. Visualize seeing yourself doing what you can’t do now (able to do a leg press of 200 lbs; getting into those old jeans, being comfortable in sleeveless shirts).

Group Training

Working out with a small group can be a great motivator. For one thing, it creates camaraderie and although you are working your butt off, it also feels like a social event. Groups encourage each other along, and when if you were working out alone you might have said “OK I’ve done enough,” when working out with a group you want to keep going, or at least not be the one who says “No mas!”

Another advantage with small groups is that you don’t get lost in the crowd and can get the professional advice and coaching that is valuable. For example, Fit and Psyched, located at 1177 Clare Ave., Unit #2, West Palm Beach, FL, has small groups that work out regularly and have a certified trainer who leads the workout.

Personal Trainer

Hiring a personal trainer for one-one workout sessions is a great motivator and also provides the safest and most efficient way to achieve your goals. The financial commitment also serves as a great motivator. A personal trainer will work with you to determine your goals and map out the way to achieve them. And, depending on your personality, having a trainer to be “accountable to” can be another great motivator. Contact Dave and Amy at Fit and Psyched at 561.223.1112 or visit their website.

NOW rev up your motivation and DO IT!