Low Carb Food Staples

You know the benefits of maintaining a low-carb diet, and the wonders it can have when trying to gain lean muscle and lose excess fat in a healthy manner. Sometimes, people may find this change to their lifestyle overwhelming, but it is actually quite simple! With low carb being a popular diet right now, there’s even more substitutes for grains and breads.

Here I will list some examples of foods and types of food to always keep in your kitchen.

  • Meat: (no surprise!) Chicken breast, pork tenderloin,  and turkey breast. Buy organic and grass-fed meat when possible.
  • Fish and seafood are also great, just avoid anything fried or with breading.
  • Egg whites! They are a better choice than whole eggs when you want to have more protein, fewer calories, and fewer grams of fat.
  • Vegetables: Stick to low carb vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus,and other veggies that grow above ground. This can come as a surprise to people that some vegetables contain more carbohydrates than desired when following a low carb program. Here’s a link that explains this in further detail on which vegetables contain more carbs.
  •  Fruits: Berries are okay in moderation
  • Nuts and Seeds: These are to be enjoyed in small amounts, as they contain a lot of fat and calories https://fitandpsyched.com/blog/pros-and-cons-of-the-keto-diet/.

So there you have a beginning guideline of what foods to keep in your kitchen. Stocking your pantry and refrigerator with the right foods will help you on your way to be successful in achieving your goals! Give us a call at 561-223-1112 if you want professional and knowledgeable advice on following a healthy diet. Here at Fit and Psyched, a private personal training studio in West Palm Beach,Florida, we have decades of experience in providing custom nutrition programs to all of our clients as well a one-on-one personal training and group fitness classes. Check out the testimonials and pictures on our website to see what our clients have to say about us and the personal goals they’ve achieved!