The Benefits of Strength Training

There are many fun, challenging, and different types of ways to strength train. As a personal trainer in West Palm Beach, Florida, I hear many new clients that come in and say they only do cardio exercises such as jogging or walking. Many people are afraid to weight train in fear of “getting too big”. This is simply not the case! The extra calories in junk foods and sugary drinks are the culprit of weight gain – plain and simple. While cardio is an essential part of any exercise regimen, weight training is essential in maintaining lean muscle mass. Having lean muscle mass helps people look and feel younger, burns calories (even when you’re not exercising!), and prevents muscle imbalances in the body. Besides the benefit of “looking good”, strength training decreases stress, reduces your risk of diseases and boost immune function.

It is true that cardio exercises can burn calories, however, the more lean muscle a person has, the more calories that person will burn. Muscle helps speed up metabolism by requiring more energy, which results in “burning” calories and stimulating fat loss. The older we get, our metabolism natural slows down. This can largely be prevented by doing some form of weight training (dumbbells, kettlebells, resistance bands, etc.) and stimulating fat-loss. Forty-five minutes of strength training a few times a week will yield better results than cardio alone. It is important to incorporate both in a balanced training program.

As we age, the body naturally starts to lose muscle mass, making it essential to maintain it with a healthy exercise routine. Here at Fit & Psyched in West Palm Beach, Florida, age is not an excuse! We train clients of all ages and skill levels in our exclusive, private personal training studio.  For more information on professional, private training follow this link.

​While there are so many amazing health benefits to strength training, think about how good you feel! Many studies show that weight training is a very effective way to reduce and manage stress and improve sleeping patterns. Working out in the day can help you fall asleep faster and have a restful night’s sleep, thus setting a good tone for the following morning feeling refreshed and ready to tackle on the day. Working out also regulates mood. There are tons of scientific studies that have proven exercise to be helpful in relieving depression and elevating mood by releasing dopamine in the brain, the feel-good chemical naturally released in the body. The benefit of feeling good alone is a great motivator to getting started. It is such a satisfying feeling to get a workout done first thing in the morning, it sets a tone of accomplishment and readiness for whatever the day holds!

Here at Fit & Psyched, a personal training studio in West Palm Beach, Florida, we are here to assist you with any questions regarding strength training and nutrition programs. Owners Dave and Amy Melnicoff have thirty years’ experience in training clients of all ages and levels. Call Dave and Amy at 561-223-1112 or email for a consultation.