Weight Training Over 50

For hundreds of years, people have been searching for the Fountain of Youth. Tales of a spring that restores the youth of anyone who drinks or bathes in it have been circulating since the 5th century. Many argue over its whereabouts… but what if we told you, we found the real fountain of youth and it’s right here at our gym? You may be wondering what in the world we are talking about, but the benefits of weight training over 50 reach far beyond that of any magical spring. We promise, weight training isn’t reserved for teenagers and guys in muscle tees! For those who are in their fifties and beyond, incorporating weight training into their routine can literally transform their lives! 

If I Could Turn Back Time…

Now, weight training can’t actually reverse the clock (sorry, Cher), but studies have shown that strength training can slow and, in some cases, even reverse the decrease in muscle mass, bone density, and strength that often come with aging. Fitness author Will Brink mentions on his website that strength training can even boost your immune system by helping you to store proteins and metabolites, which aids the body in recoveringfrom major trauma, like surgery! 

Find Your Balance Thru Weight Training

In 2014, the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine did a study that showed that people over the age of fifty who lead an inactive lifestyle are more at risk for falls, due to weak muscle tone and decreased balance and flexibility. By incorporating strength training two to three times a week and focusing on major muscle groups (ie. legs, arms, and core) you can drastically reduce the risk of falling! 

Milk, Who?  

We’ve seen the “Got Milk” commercials and we really think they need an update to “Got Weights?”. As we age, we begin to lose bone mass or density. This is especially common in women after menopause. But don’t worry, weight training over 50 has been shown to increase bone mass. By helping you build muscle, which stimulates bone growth, strength training can help you prevent osteoporosis and fractures! 

We’ve Got Your Back!

Another side effect of aging is back and joint pain. The vertebrae in our spine and our joints are all “cushioned” by a gel-like or fluid substance. Over time, this fluid decreases. The vertebrae in the spine compress and get thinner, causing poor posture and increased pain. The joints rub together and begin to wear away… causing stiffness and, again, pain. By properly incorporating strength training and strengthening and elongating the muscles, tendons, and ligaments around the joints, you can drastically decrease the pain experienced. In fact, rheumatologists with the Arthritis Foundation are beginning to recommend strength training to their patients because it not only strengthens the body but also helps “lubricate the joints and helps control joint swelling and pain.”

Sleep Like a Baby

If you struggle with insomnia, strength training is here to help! As you’ve seen in this article, weight training does so much more than just give you muscles! It helps you to regulate your blood pressure and your metabolic rate, which can reduce stress. Obviously, when you are feeling less stressed, you can sleep easier. 

Researches in Australia have shown a that there is somewhat of a symbiotic relationship between sleep and weight training. Adding weights to your routine can help you fall asleep quicker and sleep deeper. In turn, when you reach a deep sleep, your body releases hormones that help your muscles recover and grow. 

Strengthen Your Mood

To those struggling with depression, you are not alone! Late-life depression affects about 6 million people, ages 65 and older and only 10% of those people seek help. We think mental health is EXTREMELY important and love the fact that one of the best natural remedies for a bad mood is exercise. A study posted in JAMA Psychiatry discussed the results of 33 randomized clinical trials involving 1,800 different people. The results showed that those who participated in mild to moderate resistance training a few times we week noticed “significant” reductions in their symptoms. 

Ready to Get Started? 

The only way that you can reap these amazing benefits of weight training over 50 is to get started! What better time to do so than the beginning of a new year? As always, we recommend that you consult with your physician before starting a new workout routine. But if you are looking for some direction and assistance in adding strength training to your routine, we would be more than happy to help! By incorporating a personal trainer you can be sure to learn proper form, avoid injury and maximize your results. With 30+ years of experience, we can ensure that your health is in good hands! Contact us today to find out more about our one-on-one or group training!