Barbells Are Not Only For Guys—Why Women Should Lift Weights Too


In this post we will give three reasons why barbells are not only for guys but why women should lift weights too, and no it won’t turn you into The Hulk overnight so don’t worry about that.

It Will Slow Down Aging

While lifting weights won’t make the clock stop, it will do wonders for your health. Resistance training will ensure that you keep your existing muscle mass as you age or even increase it.

If you are not active, your muscle will start to decay with each passing year if you don’t regularly stimulate them. What’s even worse, those muscles are likely to get replaced by fat which not only looks worse, but it is terrible for your health.

Regular strength training also makes the bones stronger, which is something very important as you age. Women are more prone to osteoporosis and lifting weights is one of the best defenses against it, so make sure you pump iron regularly.

You Will Burn More Fat And Get Toned

Women don’t have as much testosterone as men, which is the main hormone responsible for muscle hypertrophy. Weightlifting will tighten and tone the muscles but won’t make them disproportionately bigger, especially in the upper body. Women do however, have a tendency to grow bigger glutes and leg muscles. So in essence, training will make women even more womanly and the men more manly, it will not turn you into something unnatural.

Weight training also burns calories. What’s more important, the muscles you add will help burn more calories at rest, essentially speeding up your metabolism. That means that it is even easier to burn fat when you lift weights, which will get you toned even faster.

It Will Fight Stress, Depression And Cognitive Decline

Gyms will not only make you look good but will help you feel much better too. Regularly exercising is one of the best stress releasers and in fact, it is often prescribed as a treatment for depression.

So instead of spending most of your day at the office and then coming straight home, maybe try to find time to do something only for yourself. That hour you spend in the gym will work out not only your muscles but will help your mind reset, making you feel happier AND healthier. Just build that healthy habit and you will notice how it changes your life with each passing workout.


Fit and Psyched has a friendly, supportive community of female fitness enthusiasts. We are proud when we see our West Palm Beach ladies working together in small group sessions or one on one with one of our certified personal trainers. If you are interested in learning more, please don’t hesitate to come by and see for yourself why our girls love their training sessions so much!