The Benefits of Yoga And Stretching

If you’re like most people, chances are you usually skip on your pre- and post-workout stretch. We tend to think that those few minutes of stretching doesn’t really do anything for our bodies, and we are in such a hurry to get to the “good stuff” like cardio and strength training. We are here to tell you… you’re underestimating the power of a good stretch! Incorporating stretching and yoga into your routine has numerous benefits, such as reducing stress, increasing flexibility, and aiding in weight loss. If you’re skeptical about the benefits of yoga and stretching, you’ll be a true believer after reading this article.

Reducing Stress

When we are stressed, our bodies become tense and this tension can even begin to cause pain. Through stretching and deep breathing, yoga breaks through that tension in problem areas like the hips and shoulders. Studies have even shown that individuals who incorporate a yoga routine are better able to regulate their heart rate variability. This means, their heart rates are lower and their bodies, in turn, are able to respond to stress in a more flexible way. If that wasn’t enough, another study has shown that serotonin levels are higher after practicing yoga. These higher levels are associated with lower levels of depression and anxiety. In layman’s terms, just 15 minutes of yoga a day can start changing your brain chemistry and boosting your mood. Now let’s move on to some more benefits of yoga and stretching.

Get Better Sleep

If you find yourself having trouble falling asleep or waking up frequently throughout the night, we suggest a daily dose of yoga! Relaxing poses, like a standing forward fold or lying with your feet on the wall, calm both the body and the mind and make it easier for you to drift off to dreamland and stay there.

You’ll Be a Better Athlete

Yes, we know you love weightlifting. We love it too! But did you know that stretching can help you become an even better athlete than you already are? A regular yoga practice can increase flexibility which can help you prevent injuries during workouts. It can even help your joints move through their full range of motion, which means better form! The best part is, you don’t have to already be super flexible to start doing yoga… there are poses or “asanas” for every level!

It’s One Heck of a Workout!

There is a common misconception that yoga is “easy.” While yoga is a low-impact workout, there is nothing “easy” about it. It combines cardio, functional work, and strength training all into one amazing session. (Keep in mind: Some stretches may feel uncomfortable at first, but you should never be in pain.) You’re toning, elongating, and using your own body weight as resistance. And if you’re looking to lose weight, you don’t have to do anything intense like hot yoga (unless you want to!) Yoga increases your metabolic rate and it even decreases your cortisol levels… leading to less overeating and stress snacking. Some poses are even intended to focus on your endocrine system to balance your hormones and normalize your body weight.

Get Ready to Live Longer

Recently, doctors have become more and more intrigued by the benefits of natural remedies and have been looking more info how yoga affects the body. Doctors from Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam reviewed previous pieces of research that involved over three-thousand participants and found that regularly taking part in yoga helped to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, decreased a person’s risk of becoming obese, and protected the heart. As you can see, yoga can improve your physical fitness, reduce stress, regulate your heart rate, and overall just makes you a happier person. All of these components together can add a few extra years to your life! Start thinking about what you’re going to do with all that extra time and start enjoying the benefits of yoga and stretching!

If you’re interested in learning more about incorporating yoga into your current routine or starting your fitness journey in a more “gentle” way, not only will we be offering 15 minutes of stretching with our normal training sessions, we’d like to invite you to our new class! On Saturday, January 25th, at 12:30PM for our first ever Yoga Retreat Class with our instructor, Madeline Sperber. The cost is $20 and everyone is welcome! All you need to bring is a yoga mat and a smile to start enjoying the benefits of yoga and stretching! Email us at to RSVP! See you then!